
Saturday, October 17, 2009



Ahhh, sweet surrender...sometimes we just have to let go and let God. We know there is a beautiful order to the Universe so why do we often feel the need to interfere with the timing of the Divine plan? Try as we might to want to control our life and force things to work as we think they should, Spirit/Universe steps in (quite powerfully and humorously at times!) to remind us that we do not always know what’s best for us! When things seem crazy and out of control, it really helps to step aside and become the observer in our own life. We are then able to see and know that all things will and do flow and unfold at the perfect and right time – and always for our soul’s greatest growth. If we simply allow life to be - to listen and heed our guidance, we are certain to be graced with unexpected and amazing gifts and insights. We are blessed with powerful miracles and opportunities that we might have missed.

"I am willing to get off the uphill battle-road of struggle and breathe deeply, as I float down the river of serenity, peace and surrender."

...And we move forward as empowered and loving souls, doing our best, honoring ourselves and others, setting our intentions, and placing any and all challenges and pain on the Universal altar of God/Goddess, knowing without a doubt, that all is on purpose for the highest good of all. And for that, we are truly grateful.

“Today I Surrender.
I lift my hands to Thee.
I acknowledge Divine Presence and Divine Power as the only active force in my life.
I surrender any attachment to outer appearances.
I surrender the toxic emotions of my physical mind to the pure essence of Spirit.
I surrender fear. I surrender shame.
I surrender anger. I surrender resentment.
I surrender control.
I surrender to the Power and the Presence that is Divine Will in active motion.
I surrender, knowing Divine Mercy and Divine Grace always work together for my good.
For this I am so grateful!
And so it is!”

~ Iyanla Vanzant ~ One Day My Soul Just Opened Up ~