
Monday, April 4, 2011


Before the Japan earthquake, I had a "dream" where I was shown the before and after photos of a steel bridge or pier over the ocean. The "before" was intact; the "after" was mangled and twisted. It was when I awoke, that I heard of the earthquake & tsunami. The words I heard very clearly in my head were "DIVINE RECONSTRUCTION." It gave me the chills, but reminded me to pay attention to messages of guidance and to pray for everyone and everything. Prayer is a powerful conduit for miracles and may dispel any situation. "There is no order of difficulty in miracles."

This is the time for radical change in our world ~ time for the dismantling of the old paradigm that is no longer working and building now only what is REAL ~ with passionate integrity and compassion for ourselves, our earth and our world. Right now, for so many awakened and conscious people, it’s about aligning our vibration with the higher consciousness of Divine Spirit and with each other - connecting to truth, not to the seeming reality of the destructive chaos so prevalent in our world.

We are always given opportunities of preparation for change. We can choose to listen or not. Tuning into our intuition, we can adhere to life's changes more easily. We can torture ourselves with prolonged resistance and fight the change we know is for our highest ultimate good, OR we can allow our hearts to be broken open in order to release the old, move through our fears and simply go with the flow. Listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer on Hay House Radio today, he reminds us (not exact quotes) to "relax, let go and detach from all the stuff, to welcome in the new and exciting expansive changes our souls and our spirits are screaming for. Staying with the familiar makes soul growth impossible. Live fearlessly."

All is on purpose. As we love and pray for each other and our world, miracles are happening now. The old ways must dissolve so the new can emerge. Courage, strength, faith, kindness and compassion continue to emerge from broken hearts. Clarity follows confusion. Joy follows pain. Light follows darkness. Resurrection follows crucifixion. New life follows death. It’s all a process of Divine enfoldment.

I am grateful to be sharing this lifetime's journey with all of you as we each do our part. We are all in this together, as WE ARE ONE.

In love and peace...