
Thursday, April 26, 2012


I've had such amazing and powerful shifts in my life these last few months...after embracing Marianne Williamson's powerful and sacred Enchanted Love Workshop right before my glorious month-long trip in Australia, my incredible bio-sync session gifted to me by my daughter & an unconditional love / hug from Azim Khamisa that rocked me to my core (an incredible man who forgave his son's killer and started the Tariq Khamisa Foundation,) so many things have come up to be healed, especially these last few weeks - things that I thought were done and buried! It sometimes seems as if it all hits at once, but the truth of the matter is, is that everything that needs to come up will, and after our initial freaking out, screaming, OMG, how can this happen!!!...we find the courage to face it, embrace it, work through it, heal it and then we can let it go and move on! Everything is shifting...we have the choice to move or stay stuck! Sometimes, scary nightmares show up out of the blue and fear-based thoughts or emotions want to suck the life out of us! The old story is front and center once again. But we know the truth - that God / Goddess / Spirit / The Universe, is bigger than any problem we could ever have. The Universe is self-orchestrating, self-correcting - always working in our favor for our highest good if we would just get out of our own way, stop trying to control everything and allow it to just be. We signed on to be here in this lifetime to do our part to help heal our world. There is much to do and all that is not in integrity, holding us back and no longer serving us is falling by the wayside. It is being taken away, brought up to be healed or being reinvented in a new and healthier way. Beautiful new avenues of creativity are emerging as we continue taking those deep breaths, step out in nature, poke our toes in the sandy ocean, hug our beloved trees, children or grandchildren. Taking time out to rest, play, exercise, eat healthy food, laugh, feel joy, excitement and gratitude will bring us back to center and to a place of peace and calm. I had to laugh when I saw this photo fly through the facebook newsfeed: "LET GO OR BE DRAGGED!" So true! When we remember that the Universe's expert organizational skills reign in perfection, and we can surrender our sometimes obnoxious control, miracles will surely abound. In spite of my latest seeming chaos and other life's challenges, I feel as if "I dwell in a field of miracles" most of the time. Blessings and joy embody my heart, my soul and my life. I am enriched and enlightenend by my beautiful friends and family who share their love and lives with me. External circumstances are just that... because ONLY LOVE IS REAL.