
Thursday, March 14, 2013


Here is my MIRACLE STORY for the day...

I don't know what it is with me and my cell phones, (well computers too and all techy stuff for that matter!) but I was so done with my phone today! Everything that could go wrong with it did and has been off and on for months, probably years in spite of replacements, master resets, etc. The funny thing (not really funny at all) was when the woman I spoke with on the phone at AT&T last night for hours from the Warranty Dept. told me (after hearing all  the things not working on my phone)  that they had nothing to do with my phone not working and she couldn't replace it. WT?? That it was probably my fb app. ?? Let's see...No internet, no google search, no fb pictures, force closes continually and freezes, phone shuts off by itself and phone conversations die. What's wrong with this picture? She finally relented and said she would exchange it for the same phone. I said I didn't want the same phone as it was continually messing with my sanity! I went BACK to the Device Support Center today, where again I have spent countless hours, and while driving, asked MY angels to talk with THEIR angels and have it all worked out by the time I got there! Enough already! Sometimes you just have to take a stand, refuse to settle and not accept less than you deserve.

I spoke with sweet Angel Jessica, who just happened to be the supervisor. I told her I wasn't eligible for an upgrade until December and was told I would have to pay a $150 fee for an early upgrade on top of the new phone price and that that wasn't doable in the moment. Again, what they could do was replace mine with the same phone. I told her in a very nice way, NO, that I was DONE with this phone and was there anything else they could do for me? So I just casually mentioned to her that I EXPECT MIRACLES and sat down while she explored other possibilities. I kept repeating to myself over and over, "There is no order of difficulty in miracles. There is no order of difficulty in miracles." And of course I called in my kick-ass guide Kali, who makes the seeming impossible happen. So after hearing my dilemma and seeing all my notes in front of me from previous encounters, talking to Customer Care herself who were of no help at all, she took me next door to the AT&T store and asked me to pick out a new phone. When I asked the price, she said, "Don't worry, I'm taking care of it. There is no charge."

Thank you Jessica! I'm very grateful for her willingness to help me with this when no one else would and I gave her a big hug before she left. :) Miracles abound!

One of my favorite affirmations: "I dwell in a field of miracles..." (Marianne Williamson)

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Sometimes life's journey takes us deeper than we think we want to go...sometimes it's our own stuff and sometimes it feels like the heavy, collective consciousness of the world that weighs us down and settles in our hearts and in our energy field.

These last few weeks have been full of seeming insanity - shootings, fear, weather catastrophes, "loss" of loved ones, personal pain and all other kinds of  weird scenarios. Our immediate thoughts are "Don't go there. Stay positive, don't watch the news, don't feel the pain..." Well, I for one, have to go there, not to STAY there, but to BE there for a time - to feel, to cry, to sob, to pray, to release it, knowing that that this too shall pass. It's here for a reason, a lesson, a blessing - a reminder of the truth that ONLY LOVE IS REAL. It reawakens our passion and compassion for the suffering of our world...

The transition of beautiful Debbie Ford a few days ago hit me hard. She was (is) so vibrant, so honest and so instrumental in helping millions of people learn to love every aspect of themselves. I was honored to attend many of her seminars and book signings and her books made a tremendous impact on my life. I loved her laugh and her sense of humor and her passing at her age (close to my age) made me really think about my life. Am I doing enough? Is fear preventing me from doing more of my heart's desire? Why haven't I written more of my book? How can I serve more people in more profound ways? All of that comes to mind when we realize that life on this earth is short. We don't know what tomorrow brings. Debbie taught me so much and she will be greatly missed but her amazing spirit soars as she continues her incredible journey to heal our world from the other side.

Debbie taught us to embrace and love all parts of ourselves and to allow that Divine spirit to work and flow with us and through us. As a dear friend recently said to me...

"Be open to the blossoms of life. They unfold as beautiful flowers, each petal opening beautifully as part of the whole. Each piece of the puzzle makes up the total picture of your life. Follow the flow as there is beauty in the journey. Leap into the river and let the current take you where you need to go. Don't block it - let it flow. When a rock shows up on the river, flow around it. Give no energy to blocks on the river. Each rock is God and reminds you why you are here. In the flow, you find God. God is the flow, the steady stream and nothing can stop this stream. Put no energy into blocks."

The good thing is is that we are all in this together to be there and to love and support each other through the joy and through the pain...through the laughter and through the tears. And I think most of us do the best we can with the situations at hand, knowing all is truly in Divine order, unfolding for the highest good of all. And so it is...