
Saturday, December 11, 2010


"Tis the season for MIRACLES! Never has it been more apparent than now that we could use some major miracles in our lives. Life can seem like an eternal roller coaster with all of it's crazy and energy-draining ups and downs, but we can choose to view it as a wondrous gift if we're willing to see things from a higher perspective. I believe in and expect miracles, because the truth is, there is a much bigger picture going on. How exciting it is to know that miracles are about to show up! Thank God / Goddess that this is so or many of us may have checked out long ago...

The Universe is at our beck and call if we are willing to ask, believe, accept and receive what is inherently ours. Living in the present NOW moment keeps us attuned to what IS right now. And right now is what we have. It is our choice right now to love this moment, to be in this moment, to learn from this moment and to give gratitude for this moment. When we get out of our own way, stop worrying about things that are out of our control and surrender to Divine will, MIRACLES SHOW UP WHEN WE LEAST EXPECT THEM.

I know the power of prayer and surrender has the ability to manifest incredible joy and excitement! I have experienced several profound miracles these last few weeks that my human mind wanted to deem impossible. But my heart and my soul knew the truth of the highest possibility. Wow...NEVER GIVE UP! Know you are worthy and deserving of all the Divine Intervention, Divine Love and Divine Compensation the Universe has to offer you. In the magic of this sacred holiday season, give great GRATITUDE for all you have and all you are, and remember that nothing is impossible with the angelic magic of Spirit working with us and through us to be the empowered, compassionate and amazing beings that we are here to be. EXPECT MIRACLES!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I’m feeling such gratitude for all the joys and blessings of my birthday. It was such a special day, week, month...I was showered with so much love I felt like a true Goddess! Sacred time with friends, walking on the beach - my bare feet sinking in the sand and the ocean waves...Taking pictures of all the beautiful treasures on the beach brought me such incredible joy! There were HEARTS everywhere! It was definitely a day of love. The simple pleasures...Breathing in the ocean air, being surrounded by unconditional love and joy. Birthdays are an amazing and powerful time of celebration, ritual and FUN! It’s a time to visualize, set real intentions, let go of the past and forge ahead to create and manifest magnificent new realities. Birthdays are a time to truly honor the beautiful spirit within and to shout out to the Universe...THANK YOU! Thank you for my life, for my family on earth and in Spirit, for my friends, for my incredible and loving Goddess Sisters, for my joyful spirit, for my excitement for what’s next, and for all the blessings and miracles that encompass every cell of my being! I may be 57 years young, but I feel light and free, feeling such peaceful excitement inside for who I have become and who I am becoming. I celebrate my very being and thank you mom, for giving me life. I love you so much and celebrate with your spirit every day! I celebrate with my heart that is opening joyfully to more love, compassion and forgiveness than I could ever have imagined. And I celebrate with my soul that connects me to all that I am and helps me to remember the innate wisdom already within. I celebrate with all of you who have supported me on this wonderful, sometimes painful, joyful, crazy journey I’ve chosen. I’m grateful for each and every day as I say “thank you” for all the lessons, the experiences, and the gained wisdom bestowed upon me by wise masters, loving guides and sweet angels. How blessed I am! I am truly excited for the next phase of my life as I walk with my head held high, confident in my willingness and burning desire to do God / Goddess work. With arms outstretched to the heavens, I shout out to the Universe, BRING IT ON!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Embrace the Wondrous Change!

Many of us are on quite the spiritual journey with some crazy, amazing, painful, joyful and powerful twists and turns that we couldn’t have ever imagined! Sometimes things go in a completely different direction than we could have ever thought possible. Thank goodness the Universe knows what it’s doing! It will simply not allow us to say in situations that are toxic, negative or that no longer serve us. Don’t fight it! Change is fabulous and it cleanses our souls with healing powers we didn’t know we had. If we are willing to surrender to what is and allow change to sweep us into a new existence of possibility, amazing gifts are unveiled. Incredible blessings emerge as we are thrust into places and situations we couldn’t fathom in our mere mortal minds. The syncronicities unfold magically as we tune into our intuition and listen.

Trust is a the key...trusting in the process of life ~ moving forward with no expectations of how it will unfold – instead, knowing that it will and feeling excited anticipation of what’s next! It goes back to our precious FREEDOM... Freedom to think, to do, to be and to follow our hearts.

I am so grateful to be on the planet at this time as I learn, share, love, grow, scream, laugh, cry, be! Each day is a new & unique experience. Joy, miracles, synchronicities and unexpected fun surprises await. What an incredible journey. C’mon Spiritual Travelers, Goddess Sisters, Prayer Friends and Planetary Healers… it’s time to fly with love, joy and passion to our next adventure! Are you on board?