
Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Excitement was brewing as Lorrie and I headed to LA from So. Orange County to hear Marianne Williamson speak once again at City Hall - Occupy LA. I went last week with Gretchen and the entire experience was incredible. (See previous blog.) As we exited the 101 Freeway, we saw police cars and police helicopters everywhere, the 101southbound entrance was closed and yellow tape blocked the sidewalks. Whoa...I'm all for fabulous and fun adventures, but...As we sat at the red light, FOUR bomb squad cars flew right by us! Whoa again...My first thought was something happened at the courthouse. And "Oh no, Marianne's talk will be cancelled!" We parked the car and asked the attendant if he had heard about the bomb squad. He just shrugged his shoulders and said it happens all the time. REALLY??? I'm so not in So. Orange County anymore. Not knowing what was going on, I thought I would ask my beautiful facebook friends for a little extra angelic protection for us, for Marianne, for everyone. Archangel Michael came to mind. :) Thank you all for your prayers. We are Divinely protected always.

We walked a few blocks to Occupy LA on the grounds of City Hall; It was crowded - people everywhere. One person immediately caught my eye - a beautiful young man sitting on the grass in the midst of busyness - meditating so peacefully, oblivious to the noise and crowds. I loved that! There was so much to see - the colorful tents, the creative signs / powerful statements, people meditating, conversing, communing, smiling, hugging, drumming, playing guitar, media interviewing, crowds gathering...excitement building...Hopeful change could be felt in the cool, brisk air.

Lorrie and I walked a few blocks to our favorite Chinese Bistro, Liliya for dinner before heading back to hear Marianne speak at 6 p.m. Not exactly sure where she would be and not finding her at first, we encircled the block several times, walking off dinner, meeting new friends as we went and finally coming back to the main hub of all the activity. What a perfect place for Marianne to speak and be heard. It was packed. Yeah! Just as she was about to begin, we were told that a huge rally of 1000 marchers - "We are the 99%" - would soon be marching up the same steps of City Hall where Marianne was speaking. Time to go with the flow and wait to see what would transpire! Who knew? Marianne (wearing fabulous boots by the way :) eloquently spoke of the history of the movement for about 20 minutes before the crowd approached. It was all very exciting - HUGE. We all hung around, observed, listened, watching the busloads of marchers and Marianne being interviewed by ABC News. Awesome! She had a brief minute on the 11:00 news speaking of the immorality of human suffering. I was disappointed they didn't mention her name, but we know who she is. :) I overheard two men talking about Marianne after she spoke, one asking the other if he knew who she was...that he heard she was a famous author, and "WOW, was she good!" I loved that there was a Course in Miracles Meditation group as well that we were invited to attend afterwards by some beautiful friends who attend Marianne's lecture on Monday nights at the Saban Theatere in Beverly Hills. Regretfully, we needed to leave LA and head home to OC. As we headed to the freeway, we were in awe of the beauty of the brightly lit skyscrapers embracing the night sky. Something you just don't see in OC. It was really beautiful.

This is truly an exciting time - history in the making. Tonight, the union workers marched, the bands played and a candlelight vigil enusued. Voices are being heard and changes are being created. I'm grateful for the opportunities to participate and to educate myself and learn more about this movement of healing change. I will be back as each week holds something different and unique...Things have to change and I applaud Marianne and all of us really, who have had enough of the way things are and who are willing to step up to the plate to speak our truths, to create new thoughts and possibilites and to stand together in this powerful movement for humanity's sake. And as we do so, we send our brilliant light and our passionate conviction into the ethers of Universal manifestation, ignited by love and one mind. May PEACE continue to prevail as Occupy the World continues to grow...

Saturday, October 15, 2011


KEEP IT SMART. KEEP IT NON-VIOLENT. KEEP IT GROWING. ~ Marianne Williamson Occupy LA - October 12, 2011 Gretchen & I wanted to support Marianne Williamson speaking at City Hall at Occupy LA. It was a long, hot day, but no one really cared about the heat. We were too immersed in the message. Marianne speaks from her heart. She is brilliant, educated, courageous and passionate about creating positive, peaceful change in our world. Her words are impeccable; her message is powerful. She is a healer of humanity, believing in the good of people, equality and justice. She is an amazing author, spiritual teacher and global healer who encourages us all to step up to the plate to co-create miracles in our world.

I also wanted to educate myself more, learn more about what is really going on and be supportive of all the courageous people willing to do what it takes to bring about peaceful change. What an inspiring day! The energy was palpable - We walked around talking to wonderful people, observing "teachers" donating their time & expertise educating people in the crowds about economics, foreclosures, etc...and everyone coming together with loving, peaceful hearts. Not once in the middle of LA did we feel threatened, see or hear hateful protesters. I saw a huge spiritual oasis of love, unity, peace, enthusiasm, peaceful excitement and empowered people making a difference. So much love and peaceful change for humanity going on here.

Just as Marianne ended her beautiful meditation, (visualize hundreds of people sitting on the steps of City Hall with their eyes closed, praying quietly, listening to words of truth and hope) the sky was filled with flocks of birds encircling the courthouse and important Resolutions has just passed! That is the power of collective prayer! Angels were ever present...Miracles are happening NOW! I can't wait for her to speak there again. I hope it's soon. The day is etched in my soul...

Marianne had just done an incredible event at our InSpirit CSLOC where Gretchen sang for everyone. Marianne mentioned Gretchen's beautiful voice to the media before her talk and wanted her to sing a song...time ran out, but she & Gretchen are choosing a song together for the next time she speaks. How awesome is that?! You go Gretchen Almond! ♥

As Gretchen & I walked to dinner at LilYa Chinese Bistro in LA, (the food was fabulous!) we gave great gratitude for being able to FEEL the shift of miraculous change.... ♥ ♥