
Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Excitement was brewing as Lorrie and I headed to LA from So. Orange County to hear Marianne Williamson speak once again at City Hall - Occupy LA. I went last week with Gretchen and the entire experience was incredible. (See previous blog.) As we exited the 101 Freeway, we saw police cars and police helicopters everywhere, the 101southbound entrance was closed and yellow tape blocked the sidewalks. Whoa...I'm all for fabulous and fun adventures, but...As we sat at the red light, FOUR bomb squad cars flew right by us! Whoa again...My first thought was something happened at the courthouse. And "Oh no, Marianne's talk will be cancelled!" We parked the car and asked the attendant if he had heard about the bomb squad. He just shrugged his shoulders and said it happens all the time. REALLY??? I'm so not in So. Orange County anymore. Not knowing what was going on, I thought I would ask my beautiful facebook friends for a little extra angelic protection for us, for Marianne, for everyone. Archangel Michael came to mind. :) Thank you all for your prayers. We are Divinely protected always.

We walked a few blocks to Occupy LA on the grounds of City Hall; It was crowded - people everywhere. One person immediately caught my eye - a beautiful young man sitting on the grass in the midst of busyness - meditating so peacefully, oblivious to the noise and crowds. I loved that! There was so much to see - the colorful tents, the creative signs / powerful statements, people meditating, conversing, communing, smiling, hugging, drumming, playing guitar, media interviewing, crowds gathering...excitement building...Hopeful change could be felt in the cool, brisk air.

Lorrie and I walked a few blocks to our favorite Chinese Bistro, Liliya for dinner before heading back to hear Marianne speak at 6 p.m. Not exactly sure where she would be and not finding her at first, we encircled the block several times, walking off dinner, meeting new friends as we went and finally coming back to the main hub of all the activity. What a perfect place for Marianne to speak and be heard. It was packed. Yeah! Just as she was about to begin, we were told that a huge rally of 1000 marchers - "We are the 99%" - would soon be marching up the same steps of City Hall where Marianne was speaking. Time to go with the flow and wait to see what would transpire! Who knew? Marianne (wearing fabulous boots by the way :) eloquently spoke of the history of the movement for about 20 minutes before the crowd approached. It was all very exciting - HUGE. We all hung around, observed, listened, watching the busloads of marchers and Marianne being interviewed by ABC News. Awesome! She had a brief minute on the 11:00 news speaking of the immorality of human suffering. I was disappointed they didn't mention her name, but we know who she is. :) I overheard two men talking about Marianne after she spoke, one asking the other if he knew who she was...that he heard she was a famous author, and "WOW, was she good!" I loved that there was a Course in Miracles Meditation group as well that we were invited to attend afterwards by some beautiful friends who attend Marianne's lecture on Monday nights at the Saban Theatere in Beverly Hills. Regretfully, we needed to leave LA and head home to OC. As we headed to the freeway, we were in awe of the beauty of the brightly lit skyscrapers embracing the night sky. Something you just don't see in OC. It was really beautiful.

This is truly an exciting time - history in the making. Tonight, the union workers marched, the bands played and a candlelight vigil enusued. Voices are being heard and changes are being created. I'm grateful for the opportunities to participate and to educate myself and learn more about this movement of healing change. I will be back as each week holds something different and unique...Things have to change and I applaud Marianne and all of us really, who have had enough of the way things are and who are willing to step up to the plate to speak our truths, to create new thoughts and possibilites and to stand together in this powerful movement for humanity's sake. And as we do so, we send our brilliant light and our passionate conviction into the ethers of Universal manifestation, ignited by love and one mind. May PEACE continue to prevail as Occupy the World continues to grow...

Saturday, October 15, 2011


KEEP IT SMART. KEEP IT NON-VIOLENT. KEEP IT GROWING. ~ Marianne Williamson Occupy LA - October 12, 2011 Gretchen & I wanted to support Marianne Williamson speaking at City Hall at Occupy LA. It was a long, hot day, but no one really cared about the heat. We were too immersed in the message. Marianne speaks from her heart. She is brilliant, educated, courageous and passionate about creating positive, peaceful change in our world. Her words are impeccable; her message is powerful. She is a healer of humanity, believing in the good of people, equality and justice. She is an amazing author, spiritual teacher and global healer who encourages us all to step up to the plate to co-create miracles in our world.

I also wanted to educate myself more, learn more about what is really going on and be supportive of all the courageous people willing to do what it takes to bring about peaceful change. What an inspiring day! The energy was palpable - We walked around talking to wonderful people, observing "teachers" donating their time & expertise educating people in the crowds about economics, foreclosures, etc...and everyone coming together with loving, peaceful hearts. Not once in the middle of LA did we feel threatened, see or hear hateful protesters. I saw a huge spiritual oasis of love, unity, peace, enthusiasm, peaceful excitement and empowered people making a difference. So much love and peaceful change for humanity going on here.

Just as Marianne ended her beautiful meditation, (visualize hundreds of people sitting on the steps of City Hall with their eyes closed, praying quietly, listening to words of truth and hope) the sky was filled with flocks of birds encircling the courthouse and important Resolutions has just passed! That is the power of collective prayer! Angels were ever present...Miracles are happening NOW! I can't wait for her to speak there again. I hope it's soon. The day is etched in my soul...

Marianne had just done an incredible event at our InSpirit CSLOC where Gretchen sang for everyone. Marianne mentioned Gretchen's beautiful voice to the media before her talk and wanted her to sing a song...time ran out, but she & Gretchen are choosing a song together for the next time she speaks. How awesome is that?! You go Gretchen Almond! ♥

As Gretchen & I walked to dinner at LilYa Chinese Bistro in LA, (the food was fabulous!) we gave great gratitude for being able to FEEL the shift of miraculous change.... ♥ ♥

Friday, September 30, 2011


I was recently asked to be a Guest Blogger on Ron and Lisa Bere's website, to write a follow up blog on "Simple Tips for Clutter Control" to their latest blog, "The True Cost of Clutter." I was honored as I'm all about helping people let go of the past, move through the muck and into a life of amazing opportunities and possibilites! Lisa and Ron Beres are The Healthy Home Dream Team, Green Nest and authors of many other fabulous books on healthy living, including Just Green It! They appear on national TV shows and share their knowledge and wisdom around the world. Please check out their websites to see the incredible work they are doing... As we all work together, we can continue to heal ourselves, our homes and our planet.

Making the commitment to be organized in the first place is an absolutely necessary component to manifesting your deeper dreams and desires. Organizing, which was seen as a luxury in the past, is a requirement for survival in the modern world. ~ Lanna Nakone ~

According to organizational expert Peter Walsh, 200 million people in the United States alone live in cluttered homes! In my years of experience, I have seen the incredible toxic and overwhelming effects that clutter creates such as anxiety, guilt, depression, illness, food issues, relationship issues and health hazards – not to mention precious time searching for lost items and wasted money buying duplicate items.

Life is busy! Many of us are facing stressful and tough challenges today. Wouldn’t it be nice at the end of a long day to come home to a safe, nurturing sanctuary that has a beautiful rhythmic order to it? Are you ready to transform your cluttered, chaotic life into one of freedom, calm and peace of mind; allowing you to free up your time for fun, family and friends?

A Few Baby Steps to Get Started:

Mail – Create a mail center. Sort mail as soon as you get home and throw the junk away! A few minutes every day keeps the piles from growing (that goes for all office paperwork as well).

Trash – In 5 minutes, you can take a large trash bag and move from room to room recycling old newspapers, junk mail, coupons, etc.

Drawers – In 10 minutes (set a timer if needed), a drawer or a portion of a closet can be organized.

– Coordinate clothes by item and color to locate a favorite outfit more quickly. When purchasing a new item, be sure to donate something old. One in; one out! Joy Mangano Huggable Hangers double the closet space and are affordable (available at Costco, Bed, Bath & Beyond).

Baths / Bedrooms – Hang up as much as possible to keep clutter off the floors. Hooks and over-the-door hangers work well in closets and bathrooms.

– Sort toys, crafts and similar items (ie: dolls, puzzles, musical items, legos, dress-up, crafts, cars, etc.) in plastic-labeled bins, drawers or baskets. Teach children to maintain order by allowing a few items out a time. Before new toys come out, the old ones should be put away.

Kitchen / Pantry – Categorize by item and expiration date with the newest purchases in back. Always throw away expired food items in the pantry, refrigerator and freezer.

– Create zones (gardening, tools, party, memorabilia, holidays, etc.) Labeled, plastic, see-through, stackable containers work well to keep out rodents, water damage, etc.

– Memories live in our hearts. Keep what is truly special and discard the rest. Children’s art and schoolwork can be stored in large art folders. Or, take photos of children with their favorite stuffed animals, art, etc. and create a special photo album.

Remember, keep only what is beautiful, brings you joy and is useful. Let go of anything that makes you feel guilty when you look at it; regardless of the cost or if a family member gave it to you. Recycle, pay it forward or donate items to those who can really use it.

Simplifying our lives is key. Less is more. It’s time to honor and respect the beautiful people that we are. As we release the old energy, we open up and create the space for amazing new opportunities and possibilities!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Before the Japan earthquake, I had a "dream" where I was shown the before and after photos of a steel bridge or pier over the ocean. The "before" was intact; the "after" was mangled and twisted. It was when I awoke, that I heard of the earthquake & tsunami. The words I heard very clearly in my head were "DIVINE RECONSTRUCTION." It gave me the chills, but reminded me to pay attention to messages of guidance and to pray for everyone and everything. Prayer is a powerful conduit for miracles and may dispel any situation. "There is no order of difficulty in miracles."

This is the time for radical change in our world ~ time for the dismantling of the old paradigm that is no longer working and building now only what is REAL ~ with passionate integrity and compassion for ourselves, our earth and our world. Right now, for so many awakened and conscious people, it’s about aligning our vibration with the higher consciousness of Divine Spirit and with each other - connecting to truth, not to the seeming reality of the destructive chaos so prevalent in our world.

We are always given opportunities of preparation for change. We can choose to listen or not. Tuning into our intuition, we can adhere to life's changes more easily. We can torture ourselves with prolonged resistance and fight the change we know is for our highest ultimate good, OR we can allow our hearts to be broken open in order to release the old, move through our fears and simply go with the flow. Listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer on Hay House Radio today, he reminds us (not exact quotes) to "relax, let go and detach from all the stuff, to welcome in the new and exciting expansive changes our souls and our spirits are screaming for. Staying with the familiar makes soul growth impossible. Live fearlessly."

All is on purpose. As we love and pray for each other and our world, miracles are happening now. The old ways must dissolve so the new can emerge. Courage, strength, faith, kindness and compassion continue to emerge from broken hearts. Clarity follows confusion. Joy follows pain. Light follows darkness. Resurrection follows crucifixion. New life follows death. It’s all a process of Divine enfoldment.

I am grateful to be sharing this lifetime's journey with all of you as we each do our part. We are all in this together, as WE ARE ONE.

In love and peace...

Monday, February 7, 2011


For those of you who don't know, I am the oldest of ten children, mother of two grown children and grandmother "Nana" to five beautiful angels under the age of four. My business is Organizing Angels and I LOVE helping you move forward through seeming challenges, releasing what no longer serves you, which includes people, places, events or things, as well as old beliefs that keep you stuck in the muck of the past. Now there's room for new possibilities and opportunities to magically flow into manifestation. I'm all about helping you visualize and create your safe and peaceful home, implementing a system that works uniquely for you.

Do you know that 200 million American people in the United States alone live in cluttered homes? I heard Peter Walsh say this on his new OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) show "Enough Already!" (A great show, by the way) Wow, is all I can say! It's no wonder the world is in the shape it's in...The toxic effects of clutter are catastrophic in our world today and include, stress, anxiety, overwhelm, chaos, relationship issues, weight gain, food issues, depression and illness. And it's not just adults who are affected. It's your children as well. They learn by example. What are you teaching them? Get rid of the STUFF! It's not worth losing your health, your family, your sanity, your world. Keep only what is useful and beautiful to you and get rid of the rest. LESS IS MORE.

We all know the world is going through some major shifts, especially right now...what is not structurally sound or is out of integrity is simply falling apart and disintegrating so that the new and the real may emerge. Many of us are facing stressful and tough challenges today and wouldn't it be nice at the end of a long day to come home to a safe, nurturing space with a beautiful rhythmic order to it? No more lost items or misplaced important papers. Nor more wasted money buying duplicate items you know you have somewhere but you just can't seem to find! Stop allowing your piles and paperwork, to take over your life. How long are you willing to drag these heavy burdens around with you 24/7? They are draining your precious energy and sucking you dry! And they prevent you from enjoying your family and your life. Envision peace and calm and breathe that in...

Most children have an innate desire to be organized and WANT to be organized. I have found that they are usually so willing to put their toys, books and crafts away IF they have a designated place to put them. Allow your children and grandchildren to take out a few things at a time and then put them away before taking out something else. They won't be overwhelmed at clean-up time, and they'll know where everything is next time around. Children feel good, happy and proud to be a part of the de-cluttering and organizing process. Allowing your children to open their beautiful hearts and to feel the joy in donating excess to those who have less or none ~ to pay it forward ~ is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.

It's time to honor and respect yourself enough to ask for the help you need and then be willing to be open to receive it. You deserve it! And you CAN do this! Baby steps...are you ready to transform your cluttered, chaotic life into one of FREEDOM, peace of mind, order, vibrant health & weight loss, improved relationships, happy families, more time for fun, a sense of pride & well-being and a beautiful sanctuary to come home to?

Remember, we need to do our part in healing our planet. Peace in our world begins with peace in our own hearts and peace in our own homes. EXPECT MIRACLES!

Please check out my website at for tips, resources, articles, quotes, before and after photos and testimonials. Feel free to email me questions, concerns - I want to help. ♥ You can also visit me on facebook. :)

Love and Blessings...